Obviously, if you use WhatsApp, you will find this information useful. As of tomorrow, some users’ phones will be incompatible with WhatsApp, which will prevent them from using the app. The following is an exhaustive list of mobile devices that will no longer be compatible with WhatsApp as of tomorrow. Make sure that your phone is not one of the devices affected by this.
A devastating news for WhatsApp users, since the app will stop functioning on the listed smartphones as of tomorrow. Check the full list to see if your device is also included.
WhatsApp will not function properly on these phones.
If you are a supporter of Apple’s iPhone and you are still using an older model of the device, despite the allure of using an iPhone, then you need to upgrade your handset as soon as possible. The fact that the Meta-owned chat app would no longer support the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C became public knowledge early on in this year. A notification within the app was sent to customers who would be affected by the change in May, notifying them that it will take effect on Monday, October 24. Also Read: Today is the last day of the Flipkart Big Diwali Sale, and after a few hours, this bargain will not be accessible any more.
It is possible for you to fall victim to this if you are still using an iPhone 5 or an iPhone 5C. Chat features on WhatsApp will not be accessible to users of the iPhone 5 or iPhone 5C. In point of fact, both of these handsets are compatible with iOS 10 and iOS 11, both of which WhatsApp will stop working on beginning tomorrow. In order to use WhatsApp, these users will need to update their version of iOS. Also Read: SBI Warns Users About the SOVA Virus That Is Stealing Banking Details, and Don’t Forget to Make This Mistake
Already, WhatsApp has told users that an iOS update would be required if they wanted to continue using the app. To do this, navigate to Settings, click on Software Update under General, and then click on the option labelled Latest iOS Version. Read on for another quiz question: People remarked that Flipkart and Amazon deals, Dhanteras and Diwali’s Dhansu sale are taking on here, and that the prices are so low that they don’t know what to buy and what to leave behind.
The iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6S are just some of the several iPhone models that could be impacted by this issue.