OpenAI trains a bot to play Minecraft using 70,000 hours of gameplay videos

OpenAI, a startup that specialises in the research and application of artificial intelligence, recently announced that they have successfully trained a bot to play Minecraft by utilising 70,000 hours of gameplay footage.

It is the first bot that can build the highly prized Diamond Tools within the game, and although that alone is amazing, this signals a crucial leap in the tools that are used to train AI.

Imitation Learning is a method of teaching artificial intelligence by showing them how humans do tasks. Researchers are calling this a breakthrough in the field of imitation learning. The artificial intelligence then learns by imitating those tasks and attempting to do them as well as it can.

The academics who are behind the initiative expect that they will be able to achieve something comparable to GPT-3 for big scale language models by drawing data from online videos. GPT-3 was taught using thousands of different books and texts, and it is now capable of imitating human-written writing.

According to Bowen Baker at OpenAI, who was interviewed by Technology Review, “in the last few years we’ve seen the rise of this GPT-3 paradigm,” in which “we see amazing capabilities come from big models trained on enormous swaths of the internet.”

Baker went on to say that “a significant portion of that is due to the fact that we’re modelling what humans do when they go online.”

The present disadvantage of Imitation Learning is that movies that are used to train AI need to be individually tagged with each step that is shown. This can be a time-consuming and laborious process. This will help the AI understand the context of the acts that have been shown and the outcomes of those activities.

The disadvantage of taking this technique is that it requires a significant investment of both time and labour in order to keep these films updated. The OpenAI team overcame this challenge by employing a method known as Video Pre-Training (VPT), which educates an additional neural network to decode actions and categorise videos.

The OpenAI team paid players to play Minecraft on their behalf in order to record gameplay and then recorded the players’ keyboard and mouse clicks along with the gaming itself. The researchers developed a neural network model to recognise actions and classify them using over two thousand hours’ worth of annotated footage.

What is Open AI :

OpenAI is a research business that operates on a not-for-profit basis with the mission of creating and guiding artificial intelligence (AI) in ways that are beneficial to all of humankind. Elon Musk and Sam Altman established the company in 2015, and it currently maintains its operations out of San Francisco, in the state of California.

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