In the upcoming months, Marvel: Crisis Protocol will feature a new affiliation. The affiliation with the Weapon X Program will be included in the new pack, according to the most recent retail listing for the new Rivals Panel:
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Weapon X Program. In addition to a few other characters already present in the game, such as Deadpool, Omega Red, and X-23, this new association will also feature Sabretooth and Wolverine from the new Rivals Pack. On December 20, 2022, a new Rivals Pack will be released, featuring updated versions of Wolverine and Sabretooth as well as several new pieces of terrain.
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Out of that, the Blob and Pyro Character Pack, which will be available in December, was formally released by Marvel Crisis Protocol. Since the Affiliation will also release their own Affiliation Pack (a set featuring many of the characters affiliated with that affiliation) in December, it is fortunate that both characters are not part of a Brotherhood affiliation.
Players handle the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe while competing against another player in the Superman Games of Warcraft. The following heroes and villains can be used by the players to make their team’s maximum Threat Level equal to or lower than the Threat Level of any scenario they choose to play through. Since some characters’ leadership abilities only become active when a team is primarily affiliated with a particular group, players typically form teams around that affiliation.
Recent Marvel: Crisis Protocol updates prioritised strengthening existing alliances and introducing new teams to the game. Last month saw the addition of the Winter Guard, SHIELD, and HYDRA, and a new Sentinels affiliation will be added in October.